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Day walks

Every year, usually in the spring, the Butterfly Society organizes day walks for the members and friends of the Society. Everyone, young and old, can take part in the walks! All you have to do is wear comfortable clothes and shoes and come in a good mood to have a good time.

The day walks take place in different places and each time with a different theme. Usually the program of the walk includes an on-site exercise in an outdoor area or a tour in a museum or attraction and at the end we drink coffee somewhere nearby, while sharing our news!

The members and friends of the Society who support Butterfly for many years are waiting for the day walks as it is a very nice opportunity for us all to see each other and become a team again!

Anyone can take part in the walks. So take your company and come to our next scheduled walk!


In recent years, the Butterfly Society regularly organizes recreational and educational trips, in which many people participate. The people in charge of our excursions, Mr. Christos Komisopoulos and Mrs. Anastasia Kotsopoulou manage to organize getaways with a unique theme. Please contact the secretariat to find out about the schedule of our next excursions.

Cutting New Year’s Pie

The feast that takes place for the cutting of the New Year’s pie has now become an institution. Every year members and friends of the Society declare early participation to take part in our big party. Food, drink, laughter, gifts, sweets, dancing are just some of the elements that make our celebration unique!