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Informative Speeches

Our Society organizes informative events, speeches, conferences and workshops throughout the year, in many parts of our country, thus covering the needs of the whole Greece. The informative speeches are addressed to everyone, men and women, suffering or not, who are interested in their health.

The talks cover a variety of topics such as osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, prevention, menopause, exercise, diet, psychology, skeletal health issues and more. All the speeches are prepared by specialized scientists, while at the end there is always the opportunity for dialogue and discussion around the issues that concern us.

The goal of our Society is to hold events in every corner of Greece, thus giving everyone the opportunity to be informed about osteoporosis and skeletal health in general. These events are held in collaboration with local agencies and other non-profit organizations. 


 Nutrition, exercise, psychology and dance training seminars!

Our Society, from time to time, organizes educational seminars available to all! Take your company and come to be trained and spend constructive afternoons. The seminars are addressed to women and men over 30 years old.

Nutrition Seminar: We are waiting for you in the most satisfying nutrition seminar with discussions around topics such as obesity, beauty, weight loss, osteoporosis etc.

Exercise Seminar: Let’s learn correctly what are the best exercises for our body, posture, breathing and many more that improve our daily life!

Psychology Seminar: Lessons for a better life! We discuss issues such as: depression, mourning, low self-esteem, relationships, etc. and we learn to deal with them properly!

Dance Seminar: Come and move to relax and learn to dance! Tango, Rouba, Cha-cha and other dances all at… your feet!

More information at 213 2086698 or at the offices of the Society!